Enfieldwallah Spares
A Kiwi company specialising in parts for Indian Royal Enfield Bullet motorcycles.
Enfieldwallah Spares Ltd is a New Zealand company specialising in parts and accessories for Royal Enfield India Bullet motorcycles. We carry full spares for both 350 and 500 cc iron barrel bikes pre 2007 as well as many items from India suitable for other classic motorbikes such as mirrors, silencers, switches etc. We scour the bazaars of Delhi for our stock so that you can avoid long waits or scams when purchasing parts online from India. Buy with confidence from a New Zealand based company.
New Zealand Mobile: NZ. 021 107 7848
Email: gumby@indianmotorcycleadventures.com
Buy with confidence
Featured Products

Single seat Leather Driver Only Black

Clutch Friction Plate Kit for Royal Enfield Bullet

Shocker pair

Motorcycle Round Mirror set curved stem with handlebar clamp

Handle Bar for Royal Enfield 350, low rise

‘Bitten by the Bullet’ motorcycle adventures in India

Handcrafted Brass Automotive Horns
Our double twist brass horns are an exquisite example of Indian retro technology in action. They are made to this day using the same methods as when they were in production by Lucas at the turn of last century. Our factory hand produces each horn to a very high standard. To own this piece of beautifully crafted metal with its unique and quirky sound is a pleasure and helps continue this piece of motoring heritage.
Price $120.00
Our story

Over the last 22 years we have led motorcycle tours on 500cc Bullets throughout India with our ever popular company Indian Motorcycle Adventures.
Great deal, fast as lightning. Love the bars, second set I’ve got from you and I don’t even have an Enfield.